A downloadable game

This 4KB full-screen game for the Commodore 64 (PAL only) was originally submitted to the «2004 MiniGame Compo».


You command a destroyer ship, and your mission is to destroy as many enemy submarines as possible. Your ship is armed with mines which you may drop to strike the subs.

Points are added to your score according to the type of sub destroyed:

Normal sub 250 pts
Fast sub 1000 pts

Look out for torpedoes launched from the subs! A ship is lost if it gets hit by a torpedo. You have 3 ships in total.

The game consists of 10 levels, and you have 32 mines available per level. You will also get a full supply of mines when a ship is lost.

Good luck on your mission!

(The game will restart automatically at level 1 when level 10 is completed, but your score will not be reset.)


Use a joystick in port two:

Left Move left
Right Move right
Fire Drop mine

Press the fire button to start the game.


subdestroyer.prg 3.9 kB

Install instructions

The PRG file can be launched in a Commodore 64 emulator such as VICE.

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